Thursday, December 10, 2009

Holiday's 7 Elephant Style


Los Angeles CA, December 10, 2009; Whitney Harchanko (7 Elephants’ spokes model) and 7 Elephants are pleased to have teamed up with Holidays From The Heart a Los Angeles Children’s Hospital charity for another magicial year of Holiday giving . The charity helps the families of terminally or chronically ill children and their families, to make the holidays seem brighter although they face harsh realities everyday battling their illnesses. “Through this program” says Whitney Harchanko, “we are able to sponsor an enjoyable holiday for two families, getting them gifts, necessities and warm clothes and blankets.

Last Christmas 7 Elephants donated digital cameras, mp4 players, digital photo frames, blankets, jackets and much more. Ms Harchanko started with a list of names, ages and a wish list. Next 7 Elephants donated cash for each family and then Whitney and her friends set out shopping! “We had to pick out baby diapers, school supplies, Spiderman toys and makeup”. Once each item on the list was crossed off it was time to get wrapping! Knowing that the families would be setting these presents out on Christmas Eve and Christmas day gave Whitney and the 7 Elephants’ folks even more inspiration to make sure these gifts looked like the real thing, bows and all!

On December 12th, 2008 Whitney, Ashkan, Sharam, Raul and crew set out in their "sleighs" and arrived at the hospital where family number one was just preparing for their daughter's chemotherapy to begin, she is 15 years old and she has spinal cancer. She looked strong, like a fighter. “Seeing how brave she was brought tears to my eyes. I was so happy I could bring them a few items that would make their holidays merrier” said Whitney. After some pictures and happy holiday wishes, the group left the family to prepare for the hardest day of their lives, only it replays every day for them. “I pray for them still” explained Whitney.
Then Whitney and crew were back in their "sleighs" and headed to the home of the second family. The 7 year old boy was terminally ill and very shy, but he was waiting at the stoop with the door open, waiting for Ms. Harchanko and the crew. “My heart swelled”, continued Whitney, “I was thrilled to have brightened his day! We brought in all the gifts and met the family including their single mother and an adorable 2 month old baby. I knew they were planning on keeping the presents for under the tree, but I also knew that the little boy loves Spiderman and I had picked out a special present that I wanted him to see right away. He started to carefully un-wrap the box and his older brother and sister urged him to rip it off quick so he could see what it was! He was very excited and although the shopping had been a little confusing and the wrapping and delivery exhausting, it was all so worth it!”

7 Elephants is happy to be doing this again this year and expanding the number of families they will sponsor.
“On behalf of 7 Elephants” said Ms Harchanko”, “especially Ashkan, Sharam and Raul for helping to deliver presents I'd like to say thank you to the Holidays From The Heart program for making it possible for us to help these families, it truly is a magical and fulfilling feeling!”
For more information on Holidays From The Heart visit and for 7 Elephants visit or call 800-977-9779.
Happy Holidays From the 7 Elephants Family